

About GIOI

GIOI is a farm to table Asian Restaurant. “GIOI” is a Vietnamese word which means “well done”. Everything they are serve on the table has been done to the best to the ability. Among the nearly 7,000 Jakarta restaurant brands, GIOI ranks 88th in the recommended rating, making it a well-deserved place for Indonesian Internet celebrities to punch in. However, with the continuous expansion of the scale of brand management and the number of users, digital transformation is also gradually put on the agenda. How to ensure the efficient and stable operation of stores, unified control of multiple channels and standardization of user experience has become the primary concern of GIOI. After knowing that Techsun has a rich knowledge of the catering industry and has helped super fast food brands with more than 300 million users achieve omnichannel member marketing, GIOI chose to cooperate with Techsun to carry out digital transformation.

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The challenges of GIOI inlcluded operational efficiency, the management of a messy multi-channel control environment, and the need for a standardized user experience. Addressing these issues requires a strategic and comprehensive approach that involves process improvement, automation, integration, and standardization, ultimately leading to a more efficient, organized, and consistent experience for customers and stakeholders.

1. Low Efficiency Operation

One of the primary challenges facing GIOI is the issue of low operational efficiency. This can manifest in several ways, including redundant processes, lack of automation, and inadequate integration between different systems and departments. When operations are not streamlined and optimized, it leads to wasted time, resources, and ultimately, a decrease in overall productivity.

2. Messy Multi-Channel Control

Another significant challenge for GIOI is the management of multiple channels and platforms, often leading to a messy and disorganized control environment. With the proliferation of digital channels, including social media, email, chatbots, and more, managing customer interactions across these platforms can become overwhelming and inefficient.

3. Non-Standardized User Experience

A non-standardized user experience can be detrimental to GIOI’s reputation and customer satisfaction. When customers encounter inconsistencies in the way they interact with the organization, it can lead to confusion, frustration, and ultimately, a loss of trust.


Social Hub.AI Offerd GIOI intelligent customer service on WhatsApp, presenting a fresh solution for consumer operations management.

1. Build a smart front desk on WhatsApp
7 months after joining hands with Techsun, at the GIOI store in JI.Senopati, Jakarta, Decca cards with a “scan for registration” are placed on every table. When the customer scans the code with WhatsApp, the AI assistant will guide the consumer to sign up for membership, order food and receive offers. Before the next visit, customers can enter the number of diners, time and store information on the mobile phone according to the prompt, and about 15-20 seconds to complete the online booking. In addition, in the brand’s Instagram, Twitter and other social media channels, you can also jump the WhatsApp Business account, according to its store manager, in the first month on the line, the current average proportion of online bookings more than 30%.

As with wechat in China, a significant advantage of WhatsApp is its large user base and popularity among individuals. It has more than 2 billion active users worldwide, and Indonesia is one of the four countries with the most users. The APJII survey of 7,568 respondents across 34 provinces in Indonesia showed that WhatsApp was the most preferred chat app among respondents, with 73.86 percent. More and more brands are setting up camp on WhatsApp in anticipation of meeting consumer demand. However, in the continuous influx of online customer inquiries, reservations and orders, the customer service and operating costs of the brand are virtually increased. Based on these pain points, Social Hub.AI leverages WhatsApp Business provides AI customer service solutions for multiple business scenarios, such as membership registration, booking and marketing activities, to help merchants easily carry out marketing, sales and establish close relationships with their customers.

2. Build integrated data operation background
At present, consumers’ demand for catering is no longer limited to “eating”, but to seek experience from “eating”. Especially in the context of the increasing voice of young consumers on social media, many restaurant brands are facing a problem: not to identify who is the consumer, but to find the “window of opportunity” to interact with consumers. Marketing expert Robert Lauterbaum believes that when brands communicate marketing content through the media, they should seize the opportunity and use creativity to let the brand message reach the audience, so as to change the audience’s attitude and behavior. Social Hub.AI plays a crucial role in keeping GIOI’s WhatsApp messages from being hidden in brands’ marketing messages. After its AI Customer service, it is a Customer Engagement Platform (CEP) that integrates global data collection, data analysis, member labeling management, intelligent marketing canvas and other integrated operational capabilities.

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