
About YATA

Founded in Japan, YATA features its modern Japanese lifestyle department store, and is committed to providing consumers with a rich and diverse selection of goods and a high quality of life experience. YATA not only has a wide influence in Japan, but also has won the love of consumers through its unique product portfolio and excellent service. YATA Department store has a wide range of products, covering food, household goods, beauty, skin care and other fields, which reflect the exquisite and practical Japanese life. At the same time, YATA also focuses on environmental protection and sustainable development, actively promotes the concept of green consumption, and creates a more healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle for consumers.YATA offers high quality Japanese food and products with a new modern Japanese lifestyle store business concept, providing customers with an exciting shopping experience.


The challenge faced by the hypermarket in implementing an effective CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system underscores the intricacies and demands of managing a vast product catalog with complex pricing structures and marketing strategies. The failures encountered with Dynamics 365 and Salesforce, two popular CRM platforms, highlight several key issues that need to be addressed for a successful implementation in such an environment.

1. Complexity of Product Master Data
Hypermarkets typically deal with thousands, if not millions, of SKUs (Stock Keeping Units), each with its unique attributes, pricing rules, and inventory management needs. This complexity extends to product relationships, such as bundles, variants, and cross-sells, which can significantly complicate data management and reporting. A CRM system designed for the hypermarket must have robust capabilities to handle and analyze this vast and intricate product data, enabling accurate pricing, inventory tracking, and customer personalization.

2. High Concurrency and Scalability
During peak hours, hypermarkets experience a surge in customer traffic and transactions, leading to high concurrency demands on the CRM system. This not only requires the system to handle a massive volume of data processing but also to do so seamlessly and with minimal latency. Traditional CRM solutions might struggle with such scalability requirements, resulting in slow response times or system crashes. A suitable CRM for this environment must be built with scalability and performance optimization in mind, utilizing cloud-based infrastructure and advanced database technologies to manage high concurrency effectively.

3. Massive Price/Point Calculation
The hypermarket’s pricing strategies often involve dynamic calculations based on various factors, including customer loyalty programs, promotional offers, bulk discounts, and seasonal adjustments. These calculations must be accurate, real-time, and applied consistently across all channels (in-store, online, mobile). The CRM system must integrate seamlessly with the pricing engine and inventory management system to ensure that pricing is always up-to-date and reflects the latest promotions and discounts. Failure to do so can lead to customer confusion, lost sales, and damage to brand reputation.


1. Real-time Data Processing

Our CRM+APP platform——Social Hub.AI boasts a robust real-time data processing capability, ensuring that all transactions, customer interactions, and product updates are immediately reflected in the system. This is achieved through a sophisticated data pipeline that integrates seamlessly with various data sources, including online stores, customer feedback channels, and internal databases. The platform employs advanced algorithms and distributed computing technologies to process vast amounts of data in real-time, enabling businesses to make informed decisions promptly and respond to market changes with agility. Whether it’s tracking customer behavior, analyzing sales trends, or adjusting pricing strategies on the fly, the platform ensures that all stakeholders have access to the most up-to-date information.

2. High Concurrency Optimization
To handle the massive high-concurrency price/point calculations and campaign executions across thousands of product SKUs and campaigns, Social Hub.AI is designed with high concurrency optimization at its core. It leverages a scalable architecture that can dynamically allocate resources based on demand, ensuring smooth performance even during peak traffic periods. By optimizing database queries, caching frequently accessed data, and implementing efficient locking mechanisms, the platform minimizes latency and maximizes throughput. This ensures that customers and employees alike enjoy a seamless experience, whether they’re browsing products, placing orders, or managing campaigns. Moreover, the platform’s ability to handle high concurrency effectively supports the rapid growth of businesses without compromising performance.

3. Seamless Data Migration
The delivery team behind Social Hub.AI possesses extensive experience in executing large-scale data migration projects, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition from existing systems to the new platform. They are familiar with Dynamics and other popular CRM solutions, enabling them to understand the complexities and nuances of various data structures and workflows. The team adopts a phased approach to data migration, starting with a thorough analysis of the source data and mapping it to the target schema. They utilize proven tools and methodologies to ensure data integrity, accuracy, and completeness during the migration process. Additionally, they provide ongoing support post-migration to address any issues that may arise and optimize the new system’s performance based on feedback from stakeholders. This seamless data migration process minimizes disruption to business operations and ensures a smooth transition to the powerful and real-time CRM+APP platform.

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